Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Binomial Cat Cube Solution

The Binomial Cat Cube Solution Tutors at the TutorZ research lab have discovered a new formula. This formula solves the problem of what happens if a cat sits in a box together with another cat who itself sits in a second box. The picture below visualizes the problem. The TutorZ tutors are good at math. If you doubt that just check them out here. These tutors used their mathematical creativity to abstract the problem and re-phrase it in the language of math.  Specifically, they noted that the binomial formula can be used to represent the two cats sitting in the box (cube). And what was the binomial formula again? A binomial is simply a mathematical expression consisting of two terms. For example: Because these two cats are sitting in a cube we raise the binomial to the 3rd power, which is simply another way of saying cubed.   This cubed binomial (sum) is equal to the cube of the first, plus three times the square of the first by the second, plus three times the first by the square of the second, plus the cube of the second. For this cubed  binomial there exists a well known solution: Now solving the problem for the cat problem at hand we substitute the term a for a cat and simplifying: Hooray, we got the solution. It is a cubed plus three times a to the power of five plus three times a to the power of seven plus a to the power of 9. For Nobel price consideration you may contact our algebra tutors.

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